String Theory, Vol.1 Vol.2 (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical )Joseph PolchinskiEnglish EditionString Theory comprises two volumes which give a comprehensive and pedagogic account of the subject. Volume 1, first published in 1998, provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string. The first four chapters introduce the central ideas of string theory, the tools of conformal field theory and of the Polyakov path integral, and the covariant quantization of the string. The next three chapters treat string interactions: the general formalism, and detailed treatments of the tree level and one loop amplitudes. 邦題「ストリング理論」のハードカバー版の1巻と2巻セットです。ジョセフ・ポルチンスキー が執筆した超弦理論のテキストです。目立った傷や汚れはございません。